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3 Steps to Safeguard Your Enterprise Network: A Guide to Tackling Cyber Vulnerabilities

As technology develops, more and more areas rely on network applications. Important information and operations in various fields, from finance and energy to government administration, are all conducted online. This means that the consequences of network security incidents could become increasingly severe. UD's cybersecurity analyst Chris Chan recently published some insights on dealing with cybersecurity issues in the CMA Monthly Bulletin magazine by the Chinese Manufacturers' Association.

Many businesses have faced crises involving security vulnerabilities or network attacks. For example, Singapore Airlines' website experienced a software error leading to the leakage of a large number of member account personal and flight data. Capital One, a US bank, was breached by a technology company engineer, resulting in the exposure of credit card data for over 100 million users. Large enterprises are often targeted, while small and medium-sized enterprises are more vulnerable to security loopholes, making them easier targets for hackers.

Data shows that in Hong Kong alone, businesses face an average of 1,168 network attacks per week! Faced with the escalating threat of network security, how should businesses protect themselves? According to cybersecurity analyst Chris Chan, implementing a three-step approach to enterprise network security on a regular basis is the most effective method to safeguard network security.


Step 1: Web Security

Regular web security testing and vulnerability scans ensure the integrity and safety of corporate websites, preventing potential attacks.

Step 2: Application Security

Conducting regular security and code reviews for in-house software and applications ensures compliance with the latest security standards.

Step 3: Internal Systems

Internal systems, including networks, databases, and applications, hold critical business data and customer information. Strict security measures, such as regular system audits, robust authentication and access controls, and monitoring for unusual activities, are essential to safeguard these systems.


Evaluate Your Business:

Assess if your business falls into the high-risk category with the following questions:

Does your business handle sensitive customer data or private information, such as credit card details or customer addresses?

Does your business involve financial transactions, credit card payments, or other financial data processing?

Does your business operate in public infrastructure, public services, or government contracts?

Does your business collaborate with third parties for data sharing or sensitive information exchange, such as integrating with third-party payment platforms?

Does your industry face fierce competition, making it a potential target for attacks?

Does your business need to comply with international security standards or regulatory requirements?

Has your business experienced previous network attacks, data breaches, or other security incidents?

Does your business lack a dedicated security team responsible for network security measures?


*If you answered "yes" to more than three questions, consider scheduling regular professional network security assessments. If you answered "yes" to more than five questions, prioritize comprehensive penetration testing for your network security.

Remember, thinking you are secure is the most dangerous mindset. Hackers may not have attacked you yet, but safeguarding your enterprise network is crucial. Contact UD's cybersecurity analyst, Chris, for professional network security advice.

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